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Syngene InGenius3|Gel Documentation System
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Syngene InGenius3|Gel Documentation System

Short Description

Using a compact, InGenuis3 gel documentation system you’re in control. You can image your choice of dyes and stains by choosing UV, blue or white lighting options. The system’s GeneSys software selects the right lighting and filters for you, making it easy to image fluorescent ethidium bromide or SYBR® Safe DNA gels and protein gels stained with Coomassie Blue or silver.

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Economical gel documentation – DNA and protein gel imaging your way

Using a compact, InGenuis3 gel documentation system you’re in control. You can image your choice of dyes and stains by choosing UV, blue or white lighting options. The system’s GeneSys software selects the right lighting and filters for you, making it easy to image fluorescent ethidium bromide or SYBR® Safe DNA gels and protein gels stained with Coomassie Blue or silver.

For an economical system, the InGenius3 offers a 3m pixel camera and can produce images with 16 bit image depth. A manual zoom lens and manual filter drawer (includes a UV filter) completes the package.

The system is controlled by GeneSys application driven image capture software and comes complete with unlimited copies of GeneTools analysis software.


DNA and protein gel imaging your way

  • Small footprint
    Plenty of bench space for your experiments
  • 3m pixel camera
    Detect nanogram amounts on gels (up to 20cm x 20cm)
  • Manual zoom
    Puts you in control of the camera
  • White, UV and blue lighting options
    Flexibility to image fluorescent DNA and visibly stained protein gels
  • High resolution
    InGenius3 uses a high resolution 3m pixel camera with a 16 bit image output
  • Manual system
    Allows the user to select filters using a filter drawer, control lighting and the camera lens
  • GeneSys application driven image capture software
    Contains extensive database of dyes and imaging protocols. All you need to know is the type of gel you’re using and GeneSys automatically selects the optimal lighting and filters to produce the perfect image
  • GeneTools analysis software (unlimited copies)
    Analyse data at your own computer.

Product specifications

Camera InGenius3
Sensor 1/3 inch
Resolution 3 million pixels
Image depth 12/16 bit
Greyscales 4,096/65,536
Dynamic range 3.6 – 4.8
Lens Manual zoom 6.5 – 39, F1.4
Maximum viewing area 20 x 20cm
Slim UV transilluminator 20 x 20cm –
various single wavelengths are available
UltraSlim-LED blue light transilluminator 10 x 12cm Option
White Epi overhead Yes
UV/visible light NovaGlo converter Option
GeneSys image capture Yes
GeneTools image analysis Yes
GeneDirectory Option
Conversion screen
Novaglo UV to visible
Dimensions (h x d x w) cm 62 x 37.5 x 40

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