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QUANTOM Tx™ Microbial Cell Counter
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QUANTOM Tx™ Microbial Cell Counter

Short Description

No more waiting days to count CFUs. In less than 30 seconds, the QUANTOM Tx™ scans up to 10 fields of view to produce accurate single bacterial cell counts. The advanced software can account for the varying shapes, sizes, and arrangements of different bacteria.

Although smaller and simpler than their eukaryotic counterparts, bacteria are an incredibly diverse group of organisms that come in multiple shapes, sizes, and arrangements. Colony counting is a highly variable and unreliable, as it is only an estimate of the viable cells present. Even expensive flow cytometers and laser scanning cytometers register each particle, single or clustered, as a single event. The QUANTOM Tx™ Microbial Cell Counter is an image-based, automated cell counter that can detect individual bacterial cells in mere minutes. Its novel bacteria-optimized cell detection software can count individual bacterial cells in even the tightest clusters.

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